Real-time PCR arrays are tools that allow convenient testing of samples in many assays concurrently, parallel testing of many samples or testing of multiple samples and targets simultaneously.
——Saunders N A(2013)
品牌 | 貨號 | 名稱 | 基因列表 | 價格 |
啟因生物(wcgene.com) | HUMAN-WC022 | Cancer Stem Cell Markers qpcr array | ABCB5, ALCAM, ALDH1A1, ATXN1, BMI1, CD24, CD34, CD38, CD44, ENG, ETFA, FLOT2, GATA3, ITGA2, ITGA4, ITGA6, ITGB1, KIT, MS4A1, MUC1, PECAM1, PROM1, PTPRC, THY1. | 300元/樣 |
啟因生物(wcgene.com) | MOUSE-WC021 | Cancer Stem Cell Markers qpcr array | Abcb5, Alcam, Aldh1a1, Atxn1, Bmi1, Cd24a, Cd34, Cd38, Cd44, Eng, Etfa, Flot2, Gata3, Itga2, Itga4, Itga6, Itgb1, Kit, Ms4a1, Muc1, Pecam1, Prom1, Ptprc, Thy1. | 300元/樣 |
啟因生物(wcgene.com) | RAT-WC024 | Cancer Stem Cell Markers qpcr array | Abcb5, Alcam, Aldh1a1, Atxn1, Bmi1, Cd24, Cd34, Cd38, Cd44, Eng, Etfa, Flot2, Gata3, Itga2, Itga4, Itga6, Itgb1, Kit, Ms4a1, Muc1, Pecam1, Prom1, Ptprc, Thy1. | 300元/樣 |
檢測流程: 您只需提供樣品,其他工作交給我們。
1. 樣品RNA提??;
2. RNA質量檢測,檢測RNA純度及完整度,提供RNA質量報告;
3. cDNA合成,使用逆轉錄酶,將樣品RNA逆轉錄為cDNA;
4. 實時定量PCR反應;
5. 數據分析,計算PCR芯片中的各個Ct值,采用ΔΔCt方法比較基因的表達變化,并利用公司自主開發(fā)的數據分析軟件進行比較。