■ 概述 Descriptions
◎ 本機廣泛適用于制藥、食品、化工、電子等行業(yè)的干粉混和。特別適用 于均勻要求高,物料比重差大的物料混和。本機與物料接觸處均采用不銹 鋼制造,漿葉與桶身間隙小,混合*,攪拌軸兩端沿有密封裝置,能 防止物料外泄,本機具有結構緊湊,操作簡單,外形美觀,占地面積小, 清理方便、混合效果好等特點。
◎ this machine is used for mixing dry powder in many industries such as pharmaceutical industry, foodstuff industry, chemical industry, electronics industry and so on. Particularly it is suitable for mixing raw materials that have high requirement in uniform and high difference in specific proportion. the places where the raw materials contact are made by stainless steel. the gap between blads is small, and there is no dead corner, at the ends of stirring shaft there are seal devices.It can prevent from the raw materials rushing out.Its features are compact, simple in operation, beauty in appearance, convenient in clean, good effect in mixing and so on.
■ 技術參數(shù) technicAl pArAMeters
容量(L) | CH-100 | CH-150 | CH-200 |
電機功率(kw) | 2.2 | 3 | 3 |
攪拌轉速(rpm) | 24 | 24 | 24 |
倒料角度(度) | 105 | 105 | 105 |
重量(kg) | 350 | 500 | 650 |
外形尺寸(mm) | 880×880×1350 | 1600×1600×1100 | 1800×700×1200 |